🥺 Cancel Subscription
Canceling your subscription is simple with our new in-app cancellation flow. Follow these steps to proceed if you decide to cancel your account. We're always here to support you and gather feedback to improve our services.
Open the Account Settings page from the sidebar.
Select the Subscription tab.
Click "Cancel Subscription": You'll find the "Cancel Subscription" button in the top-right corner of the page.
To help us improve, you'll be prompted to select a reason for cancellation. Choose one of the predefined reasons:
It's too expensive
It's hard to use
I'm missing key features I need
I switched to another product
I just don't use it enough
Other (please specify)
Based on your selected reason, you'll see a tailored follow-up question. For instance:
If you selected "It's too expensive", we may offer potential pricing options or discounts.
A live chat button is available to discuss alternatives.
📍 Enter your response and click Next to proceed.
Before finalizing, you'll need to review and acknowledge the following:
Account Deactivation: Your account and assets will be deactivated.
Reactivation Window: You can reactivate your account within 12 months.
Pricing Note: Rejoining after cancellation may result in a new price.
Once confirmed, you'll see the Cancellation Success Screen:
Access Until: You'll retain access until N days before the current billing cycle ends
Step 1: Access the Cancellation Flow
Open the Account Settings page from the sidebar.
Select the Subscription tab.
Click "Cancel Subscription": You'll find the "Cancel Subscription" button in the top-right corner of the page.
Step 2: Share Your Feedback
To help us improve, you'll be prompted to select a reason for cancellation. Choose one of the predefined reasons:
It's too expensive
It's hard to use
I'm missing key features I need
I switched to another product
I just don't use it enough
Other (please specify)
Based on your selected reason, you'll see a tailored follow-up question. For instance:
If you selected "It's too expensive", we may offer potential pricing options or discounts.
A live chat button is available to discuss alternatives.
📍 Enter your response and click Next to proceed.
Step 3: Acknowledge Important Information
Before finalizing, you'll need to review and acknowledge the following:
Account Deactivation: Your account and assets will be deactivated.
Reactivation Window: You can reactivate your account within 12 months.
Pricing Note: Rejoining after cancellation may result in a new price.
Step 4: Confirmation
Once confirmed, you'll see the Cancellation Success Screen:
Access Until: You'll retain access until N days before the current billing cycle ends
Updated on: 18/02/2025
Thank you!